Their technical team is aware of this, and have promised to address this issue in the coming weeks. Unfortunately they have not been able to give us a definite timescale for this work.
In the meantime they suggest the following workaround:
Please try the following steps to resolve the issue save/download pdf file when accessing online database Science Direct within campus network (inside campuses)... : 1. Close all PDF's File2. Click on Computer > START - ALL PROGRAMS - Adobe Reader
3. Go to Edit - Preferences - Categories > Internet > - Web Browser Options > de-select all check-boxes. Internet Options > Connection Speed > choose LAN
4. Click on OK
5. Open web browser and access science direct & download pdf as usual. If user still faced problem to download any pdf file in Science Direct email directly to technical support
Users of Adobe Reader X may have noticed the disk icon in the Reader toolbar is disabled when opening PDF files within a web browser. Please Follow this guide:
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